5 Straight Down the Line Honest Technology Truths You Need to Know

Hate computer cowboys? Us too.
Geeks that insult your intelligence as they ‘help you’ [read: do it for you…so fast that you have no idea what they did?
How about ‘reputable’ internet sites or news sites reporting on THE SCREEN THAT WILL NEVER BREAK?How about that ‘friend of a friend’ at the dinner party or BBQ who talks a whole lotta ‘I know this’ and ‘You need to do that’ bullocks at the top of his voice so everyone in attendance knows just how smart he is? Err, I hate that guy!
Yep, we hear you and we hate it too. Not only does it put an cloud of dishonesty over the whole industry and paint everyone with the same brush but most importantly, it confuses you guys – the consumers. And confusion costs money, time and a whole tonne of heartache whether you’re in business or the business of getting good at Mahjong!
So here’s some cold hard truths. Some straight down the line honest technology truths you need to know. For your benefit…and your wallets…and your friends at your next dinner party!
- Your hard drive will die at some point in the next 5 years.
- No anti-virus protection is 100% safe – YOU are the weakest link.
- Everyone has a different opinion about brands but only a technician who has experience with various brands and with your best interests at heart can tell you what’s RIGHT FOR YOU…but there are always lemons, even with the better brands!
- Moore’s law is real. He states that technology’s power doubles every 18mths. Staying as up to date as you can doesn’t meaning having the latest of everything, but sifting through the latest and finding something that benefits your productivity the most!
- Extended warranties offered by most major retailers are risky business because they are not usually manufacturers warranties but instead underwritten by an insurance company who are gambling on you not requiring the service and if you do, the repairs are performed by a third party provider to whom you are often just a number. Basically, if you can get an extended manufacturers warranty it’s an option, otherwise don’t bother. By the time you would use an extended warranty with technology the parts may not even be available anymore!
Are you nodding your head in agreement or do you feel like you’ve been reality-slapped in the face? I’ll tell you, it took me awhile to get my head around ‘the truth about technology’ too when I first started in the industry. And I was an IT student at school. And thought I was ‘up with it.’ True. You can be all those things but until you see a new problem, a new discovery, a new solution every half hour in a real IT repair workshop then it’s just not something you really fathom.
I’m not saying technology is a horrible waste of money and completely controlled by corporate greed. It’s not. In comparison to other things especially. But luck does factor into it a little bit. And a whole lot of TLC and correct knowledge. TLC for your devices should be top of your list. Know how to use your device properly…because that’s different for every brand too. And leave the in depth troubleshooting and repairs knowledge up to the experts. A doctor with a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing – that’s why they have specialists!
Everyone has a tech story. Usually a bad one. Test your gratitude for your tech and tell us your success story! Share in the comment section below 🙂
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