PC Pitstop’s Essential Laptop Accessories

Laptop Riser/Cooler
Protect your hard drive and components from over-heating and destroying your data. Over-heating is one of the most dangerous things your laptop can do! It also tilts your laptop, so you don’t have to tilt.
Norton Internet Security
Stay safe with the very best anti-virus software. Do you bank online? Then you need Norton Internet Security!
Wired or wireless, feel more in control with a USB mouse.
4+ ports. Increase your USB ports to connect more devices and never have a lack of USB inputs.
Protective Bag/Case
Polyurethane or leather. Not just for travelers. Laptop bags protect your investment and keep all your accessories in the one place.
Backing Up
Invest in back up hard drives and automated backing up software, to avoid the trauma of losing precious photos and data.
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