PC Pitstop Gift Vouchers Make Great Gifts for the Geek in Your Life!

Gift Vouchers
Gift Vouchers are available in denominations over $10 at your nearest PC Pitstop or via the Online Store.
- Your Gift Voucher may only be used in store or online at PC Pitstop Australia.
- If you wish to make a purchase for an amount that exceeds the Gift Voucher, you will be required to pay the excess amount using another payment method.
- No change can be given for amounts under the voucher’s dollar value.
- You cannot obtain any cash advance with your Gift Voucher or redeem the voucher for cash.
- Your Gift Voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
- You must present the voucher at the time of purchase to validate the amount or use the code issued.
- Treat your voucher like cash, lost or stolen vouchers cannot be replaced or refunded.
- You cannot cancel or change your voucher for a different denomination or type of gift voucher or another tender, cash or discount.
- Goods that are purchased with the Gift Voucher or in part purchased with the Gift Voucher are subject to PC Pitstop’s refund and credit policy.
#02 65 841 551 ::    sales@pcpitstop.com.au ::  www.pcpitstop.com.au/blog