data protection

The Importance of UPS Battery Backup in Safeguarding Business Operations

PC Pitstop - Business IT Support - UPS Battery Backup

Unforeseen power outages pose a significant threat to modern businesses. Our constant reliance on technology makes uninterrupted access crucial to avoid data loss, workflow disruptions, and ultimately, a hit to profitability. Enter the unheralded hero – the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) with battery backup. This often-overlooked safeguard plays a critical role in ensuring business continuity.

Data Recovery -Are You Ready for a Backup Disaster?

Data Recovery -Are You Ready For A Backup Disaster?

Many small- and medium-sized businesses believe they’re not as vulnerable to data loss as big enterprises. Owners and managers usually think they don’t hold as much critical information as a large corporate, plus they carry less risk.

Data Recovery & Protection is More Than Just Having a Backup Copy

The question is not if you will experience data loss, but when. While it can be devastating to lose all your home or personal data, small and medium-sized businesses have a lot more to lose. Learn what you can do:

PC Pitstop Computer Manual & Service Planner :: Making IT Easy for YOU


We are so excited to finally have our PC Pitstop Computer Manual & Service Planner in store for everyone who receives any service from PC Pitstop! So many of you have been wanting something like this and it will definitely make life easier for a lot of businesses and families!

Why You Would Need a Data Transfer or Recovery?

faulty 3.5" Mechanical Hard Drive with data being recovered with PC-3000 Data Recovery System

PC Pitstop can transfer your data (documents, pictures, music) but not programs (software, downloads, etc). Your original installation media is required to install programs on another computer. PC Pitstop, by law, cannot install counterfeit software.

WARNING! The 1 Thing We Must All DO NOW to Survive The World’s Nastiest Bug That’s Coming for Us All

WARNING! The 1 Thing We Must All DO NOW To Survive The World’s Nastiest Bug That’s Coming For Us All

Ever heard of Cryptolocker? You will soon. Backup now to avoid this frightening new virus coming to a computer near you! Cryptolocker is new malware coming to a computer near you. Malware is short for malicious software and generally refers to a variety of forms of intrusive and hostile programs.

You Need PC Pitstop Secure Online Backup

Storage Prices

TRUST THE CLOUD. TRUST PC PITSTOP SECURE ONLINE BACKUP. Your data is precious. We live in the digital age where everything is stored electronically. But what happens when disaster strikes, and you no longer have access to your important files?