social media

PC Pitstop Enters the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame!

ben waters samantha clark pc pitstop port macquarie business awards 3

PC Pitstop is so very proud to be inducted into the Port Macquarie Chamber of Commerce Hall of Fame. This is a rare feat shared only by a handful of other local standout businesses who recognise the importance of putting their teams and customers first at every possible opportunity.

Funny Computer Memes & What They’re Trying to Tell You

Computer Meme - Why slow

Now. Here’s a few memes created to teach you a lesson.

Miss Manners Tech Talk

Miss Manners Tech Talk

Okay. Put down your phone. It’s time to talk. For the Rue team, Instagram-ing is a way of life, but we realize we can spend our lives a little too glued to the screen. Sometimes, we need to disconnect and actually talk to the person across the table. So when do we indulge and when should we draw the line? It’s a constantly evolving question thanks to technology (Google Glass, anyone?) but it all comes down to what all etiquette is about- being considerate.

5 Fun Reasons to Follow PC Pitstop Australia!


Why should you choose to stay connected with us? Because we’re your source of inspiration, information, and community. Our platform is a gateway to exciting content, valuable insights, and a supportive network. Join us on this journey to explore, engage, and grow together! Follow PC Pitstop Australia on social media for 5 fun reasons: Trust, Value, Knowledge Sharing, Community and plenty of Laughs!

Top 5 Best eBooks for Online Marketing

Ebook Marketing

Everyone with a website and a vision wants their business to fire up online. We do too! That’s why we’ve done the searching for you and shortlisted our Top 5. There are millions out there but what we look for is easy to read, straight to the point, RELEVANT info…preferably delivered by someone with experience and poise!

Doing Backflips for Flipboard


News apps don’t get any prettier than Flipboard, but we hope you have a lot of spare time on your hands… you’ll need it. Ben Waters of PC Pitstop gets gymnastic over the world’s first social magazine worth reading, Flipboard. Read on for where to find it and how to use it.