The Lost Plot Launch :: Port Macquarie Community Garden & Costa!
The Port Macquarie Community Gardens Inc officially invites all members of the community to join them in celebrating The Lost Plot’s Launch on Sunday 6th April at the garden on Central Rd.
More details soon, sign up for their newsletter >>> HERE <<<
Can your class create a Scarecrow for the launch of the Port Macquarie Community Garden, ‘The Lost Plot’? Winners will
receive ONE OF 3 GREAT PRIZES for their classroom and their scarecrow can remain in The Lost Plot to welcome
visitors and keep an eye on all the fruit and veg we are growing.
Launch: Sunday 6th April, 9am onwards
Where: The Lost Plot, Central Rd (next to Lifeline)
What you need to do: Work together to build the best ‘reuse’ scarecrow and bring your scarecrow to the membership stall on April 6th from 9am-9:45am.
Judging: Scarecrows will be judged on the day by special guest, ABC’s gardening extraordinaire Costa Georgiadis, based on the following criteria:
- giving old junk a new life
- variety of materials used
- originality
- reflecting a part of our local community
Does your school currently have produced from your own school garden? If you would like to have a stall at the launch selling your produce, or require more information about the Create a Scarecrow Competition, please call Jacqui on:
0415 144 306 or email:
#02 65 841 551 :: ::