Third Party Copyrights & Trademarks
All the following trademarks are the properties of their respective owners as listed below.
Should any trademark attribution be missing, mistaken or erroneous, please contact us as soon as possible for rectification.
Activision Publishing, Inc.
Call Of Duty® is a registered trademark of Activision Publishing, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Adobe®, Adobe Flash®, Adobe Reader®, Adobe Photoshop® and their logos are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. in the US and other countries.
Amazon.com, Inc.
Amazon®, Kindle®, Fire® and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
Apple, Inc.
Apple®, Mac®, Mac OS®, Macbook®, Macbook Pro®, iPhone®, iPad®, iPad Air®, iPod®, iPod touch®, iTunes®, App Store®, Find My Friends®, iMessage®, QuickTime® and their logos are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
Cisco, Inc.
iOS® is a registered trademark of Cisco in the US and is used by Apple under license.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media® is a registered trademark of Common Sense Media.
Facebook, Inc.
Facebook® and its logo are trademarks of Facebook, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.
Foursquare Labs, Inc.
Foursquare® is a trademark of Foursquare Labs, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Futuremark Corporation
PCMark® and Peacekeeper® are registered trademarks of Futuremark Corporation.
Google, Inc.
GoogleTM, Android™, Google Maps™, Google Play™, Google Docs™, Google Picasa™, Gmail™, Google Chrome™, Google Plus™, YouTube™ and their logos are trademarks of Google, Inc. in the US and/or other countries.
ICQ, Inc.
ICQ is a registered trademark of ICQ Inc. in the US and other countries.
LinkedIn Corporation
LinkedIn® and its logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn Corporation and its affiliates in the US and other countries.
Linus Torvalds
Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the US and other countries.
Lucasfilm Ltd.
Droid®, the Force®, Jedi Knights®, and Lightsaber® and many other cool things are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows XP®, Windows Vista®, Xbox®, Zune®, SharePoint®, Internet Explorer®, Hotmail®, Bing®, Office®, Word®, PowerPoint®, Excel®, Outlook® and their logos are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Motorola® is a registered trademark of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC.
Mozilla Foundation
Mozilla®, Mozilla Firefox® and their logos are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation, in the US and other countries.
Nintendo, Inc.
Nintendo® is a registered trademark of Nintendo, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Oracle Inc.
Java® and its logo are registered trademarks of Oracle Inc. and/or its affiliates in the US and other countries.
PC Pitstop
PC Pitstop® and its logo are registered trademarks of Benjamin Waters.
Samsung®, Samsung Galaxy®, Samsung Galaxy S3®, Samsung Galaxy S5® are trademarks of Samsung.
Sony Inc.
Sony PlayStation® is a registered trademark of Sony Inc. in the US and other countries.
Skype® and its logo are trademarks of Skype in the United States and other countries.
TiVo Inc.
TiVo® and its logo are registered trademarks of TiVo Inc. in the US and other countries.
Twitter, Inc.
Twitter®, its logo and the Twitter bird are registered trademarks of Twitter Inc. in the US and other countries.
Valve Corporation
The Steam logo is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.
Wi-Fi Alliance
Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.
WordPress Foundation
WordPress® is a trademark of the WordPress Foundation.
Yahoo!, Inc.
Yahoo!®, Flickr® and their logos are registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.